I talked Erik into going on a hike with me this last weekend. We invited his parents to come, and I am so glad they said yes. I'm not sure how we would have maneuvered the kids through the 4.6 mile hike without them. As you can see, the colors were beautiful and we had gorgeous weather (about 65 degrees - way warm for September). Erik hauled along about 40 pounds of camera gear. His dad thought he was crazy, but I'm used to it. I'm not sure why Erik decided to post all these pictures of my backside, but he promised me he'll post prettier pictures tomorrow. The last picture on this post is one I wanted to get of the kids. We have done the same hike (Russian River Falls) the last two years (
here) and have taken pictures of the kids at this bridge. I wanted another picture so we could have a then and now, but the kids (obviously) were in no mood for pictures. Oh well, I guess we learn they just have more attitude than last year, glad to see they are growing up and acting so mature. We had a great time and it was nice to spend time with Grandma and Grandpa. -Angela
wow! I couldn't stop laughing when I saw Owens face!Yeah the kids were hating that moment!
I think the picture of your back and the little oliver looks really cute!By the way how can you go to hike if you just have a month after your C-SECTION?it doesn't hurt?sorry for the question but I dont know anything about that right now! but YOU LOOK GREAT!CONGRATULATIONS! JENNIFER
Dude that last one is sweet!!! That should be your Christmas card!
I agree with Anna. There are way too many happy family pics on Christmas cards.
YOur kids were just mad that our kids weren't on the bridge with them. Next year....
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