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Monday, January 11, 2010

Run Kaitlyn Run

Angela and I got a treadmill for Christmas and have been getting ready for a race we had planned on doing in San Diego. As luck would have it we spent race morning in urgent care with Oliver who had an ear infection and a nasty cough. We weren't able to run but Angela's Aunt and Uncle ran with Kaitlyn in the race. She was pretty jazzed because she was interviewed by one of the local news stations and had a 3 second response on TV. She is pretty much a star. ~Erik


Anna said...

Sweet! She is made for stardom, don't deny it!

9 of Us said...

Way to go Kaitlyn! Can't wait for all the runs this summer! Keep it up girl.

Coburn Kids said...

She just better be working on school. No slacking off Kaitlyn!