I took a few pictures of the new Hansen baby, wow what a cute kid. Look at those big eyes. Baby Logi (pronounced low gee not lougie.) as we call him at our house seems to have a really good disposition. He picked up the nickname as Owen was praying one night. He asked God to bless baby Logi in his deep man voice (weird for a 2 year old to have a man voice). Needless to say, the way he said it and what he called him stuck. Baby Logi was great to take pictures of because he is so easy going. Congratulations Hansen's on the new addition. ~Erik
Get Naked Men
5 years ago
Great shots Erik! Where these done in your place or theirs? Have you used that little calibration target I gave you yet? Keep it up!
Great shots, I love black and white photos of babies. I'm glad you didn't put him in a giant cabbage or tulip or something, those are a little weird.
Those turned out great! Logi does have those big brown Hansen eyes. Love the nickname btw.
Me next, me next!! :) love Maycee
Wow what a greatlooking Hansen Grandbaby! Terrific pictures Eric. You and Angela have a wonderful blog and we love your Halloween pics.
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