I did a photo shoot with a co-worker for their neighbor a couple weeks ago. They were a very fun family to shoot. I had to chuckle a little because the younger boy was a bit like our Owen. He just didn't want to get his picture taken. Can't really blame him, I don't really like getting my picture taken either. We did get some really good shots though. I like capturing little gems when true personalities come out. Most of the time it is pure luck. In fact, with the last picture in the series I didn't realize I captured this tender moment until I was reviewing the pictures on my computer. You can see mom is trying to get the boys to smile. The oldest boy has his younger brother in a choke hold. The youngest boy grabbed a fistful of dad and poor dad was trying not to scream. It is tender moments that make it all worth while. ~Erik

This is one of the best things I have ever seen in my life. It doesn't get any better from now on.
I have been laughing so hard I could almost pee my pants. That last picture is golden. That definetly should make it out as the Christmas card picture this year! Can we cast votes??
I think that you staged that one.
ok, that last picture keeps making me laugh!!! hilarious
I didn't even notice the junk grab until I read the comments... priceless yeah they definitely need to put that picture in the their albums.
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