Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Costumes Part 2

Maybe I went overboard with the Halloween pictures, but if you follow the blog much this isn't a surprise. I found a fog machine and waited for a calm night to shoot. I had a few ideas in my mind for Kaitlyn which involved a boat and a homemade lantern. Unfortunately, it didn't pan out, but I am pleased with her results. Kali's picture turned out almost exactly as I had envisioned it. Even down to the green glow coming from her cauldron. Didn't have anything in mind for Owen, I just stole the same lighting setup as Kaitlyn. I messed around and added stars in Kate's picture and the moon in Owen's. Halloween is becoming my favorite holiday because the kids love getting dressed up and they let me take their picture. ~Erik


Fishin' Ponds said...

Wow...a fog machine huh?! That's impressive. Seriously, the pics are pretty darn good...actually they are AWESOME!! And Angela...I can't believe you are too tired to go all out this year, what's the deal? You'd think you have 4 kids 6 and under or something! :) For not going all out, it looks like you went all out. Nice job!

Anna said...

You really should get Kaitlyn in some sort of print ads, she's amazingly focused! The pictures turned out awesome!

Coburn Kids said...

Oh my goodness! It's official, you are amazingly talented. These are the coolest halloween photo's I've ever seen. Great job.

Jamma said...

I agree with Coburn Kids....Way cool pictures. The kids are darling!!

9 of Us said...

Wow!! That's all I can say! Awesome job.