Sunday, September 6, 2009

The Pee Pee Power Stance

I have to confess that there are only a few things that have made me happier as a dad than watching my oldest son learn to pee like a man. We made a trip to Anchorage yesterday and Owen didn't want to use any of the toilets in town. It wasn't until the trip home that he willingly went pee. That guy loves to pee outside. You can see by the picture above that he is in the power stance, he doesn't touch anything down there, just thrusts his hips out and wisses away. Yeah! Anyways the rest of the pictures were taken with the new camera and lens. The lens is wicked sharp and the camera is blazing fast. ~Erik


Dave and Loralee said...

Of COURSE you would blog about owen peeing :) that's hilarious. the color in the pictures is awesome.
hi angela-how's the recovery? little oliver is sooooo precious-4 for 4. you guys just make cute babies!

Anna said...

Awesome! Those pictures are wicked sharp!

Jamma said...

Great Pictures!! I let the dog out to go potty on the grass and Cristian has been here visiting from Idaho....he tells me he can pee on the grass just like Bella. I tell him "no, big boys go on the toliet"...anyway I walk in the house and come back out and he is in that same stance peeing on the grass...he says "see I do it better than Bella!" Little boys are so cute!!!

Karen said...

I figure little boys would potty train so much easier if we just planted lawn in our bathrooms.

Dana said...

Only you would have the guts to post something like that. Don't get me wrong I think that it is adorable. Its classic boy!!! What boy doesn't love to pee outside!!!!

Anonymous said...

Love to play with his sexy butt

Anonymous said...

Would love to fuck his sexy butt