Friday, November 30, 2007

Old shots

Here are a few shots I took this summer. Enjoy


Kevin and Natali McKee said...

Those are amazing. Did you really get the one of the eagle?
Natali (Massey) McKee

Tyler 2nd RS said...

Erik, you are getting awesome. And I like how you cn click on the pictures and they open like that. Why don't you do that to my blog??

Alaska Massey said...

Natali- I did get the shot of the eagle. During the winter they feed them in Homer(1 1/2 hour drive) so you can get real close.

Amy- Can you translate the above comment and I can show you hope to get the pictures to do the lightbox thing. Its not trival though.


Kevin and Natali McKee said...

I think it is a spam message, My friend got one exactly like it.

Tyler 2nd RS said...

They are trying to sell you something called crescnet. Some internet thing... you can even get it at a discount! Only 20 cents an hour! I love it that at the end they say"goodbye friend"