Tuesday, June 5, 2018

It's ALIVE!!!

Kali and Kaitlyn said they were going to bring back the blog... We will see if they have what it takes.  I am passing on my dim and all together extinquished blog torch.  ~Erik

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Padres Game

Well, apparently we need to be on vacation to blog. We are visiting Angela's family in San Diego right now and it is nice. On our February Hawaii trip I said that I may blog more and it never happened. Don't expect much in the future and you won't be disappointed. We went to a Padres game in which they got crushed by the Braves. Even though they got beat it was fun. The weather has been splendid and we are getting a little sun. ~Erik
For facebookers that can't see the pictures visit the blog at alaskamassey.blogspot.com

Friday, February 11, 2011


We are in Hawaii for the next little bit. The blog has slowed down to a crawl and I figured we would throw something up. Angela and I are on our 10 year anniversary vacation. We left the kids with grandma and grandpa and we are having a great time. Maybe I'll post again if we have a more reliable internet connection.


Thursday, December 23, 2010

Merry Christmas

Tuesday, December 14, 2010


Here is Kali's video. This is one of my favorites. Probably because of the pooh pooh talk.
HD version