Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Jakolof Bay Part 3...

I don't know what it is about berries. Not just any berries, they have to be wild. Angela just can't get enough of them. You may remember some post from last fall in which the berry obsession was first realized. When I ask why she likes picking berries so much, she says "It's just fun." I may not understand it, but I know it brings happiness into her life. It is genetic also - the girls seem to love it almost as much as Angela. The berries below are Salmonberries and blueberries. Angela has already converted the salmonberries into jelly and we are waiting for it to cool to taste it. They are a bit tart and have quite a few seeds but are very similar to raspberries. Enjoy the pictures. Don't worry I think I have only one Jakolof post left. Teaser for tomorrow's post "Pot problems... No, not that kind of pot!"
Next posts are as follows Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4


Brooke Soderholm (crazysodfam) said...

Ok, I'm with Angela. I really love picking wild berries too. I can't exactly explain why. I just know that Danny thinks I'm nuts when we are driving in the van and I can't help but point out where I see wild blackberries growing.

munyer jerk chicken said...

ooooohh... intriguing. i only know of one raspberry patch in our neighborhood and they aren't anywhere near ready. are you willing to divulge some good locations? my boys would get a kick out of this... and i'd love to do some jams!

Smedley Family said...

Angela . . . those are HUGE berries!! Im glad that you got to go over there and pick berries like you wanted!! They look soooooooo yummy!

Alaska Massey said...

We got those berries right up the path off the dock of Jakalof Bay. Last year we had some luck with blueberries on the Russian River Falls trail. There are also tons of cranberries out there, which you can freeze and use for cranberry sauce during the holidays. I've also heard you can find blueberries out Marathon Rd. in Kenai, but I haven't actually found any good spots out there.

Anna said...


How do you attach other people's blogs to your blog site? And i just posted some stuff.

The Dorman Family said...

Have you tried the Tutka bay cove berries? On the left side of the bay there is a yurt and trail head, I have never seen so many berries in my life. It was the first week in Sept, and we picked until we got sick of it, 5 gallons later. There were soooo many left.