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Friday, August 22, 2008

The Danger Zone...

There are a few constants in the world, the sun comes up, the tides rise and fall, it rains all summer long in Alaska and my kids will spill anything in a cup that is withing a 5 foot radius of them. Can I get an Amen? To minimize the amount of spillage we have stolen a phrase from my sister, "The Danger Zone". The Danger Zone is off to the side of their plate/bowl. This is where their stubby little arms are most likely to contact the cup and cause spillage. From the picture above you can see that Kaitlyn's cup is squarely in The Danger Zone. Sometimes we start singing "Highway to the Danger Zone" The kids know right away what we are talking/singing about and move their cups. It also brings back memories of Tom Cruise in Top Gun. That movie was sweet, the only thing sweeter is when the kids don't spill what's in their cups. ~Erik


Dana said...

I'll give you an amen on that one man!!!! I think we have something spilled every single meal almost. That is what it seems like anyway.

9 of Us said...

Amen brutha!!

Tyler 2nd RS said...

Sorry, you are alone on this one. David would never dream of keeping his cup in the danger zone...and we never have spilled cups....more than twice a day! That is funny you would post about it!