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Monday, July 28, 2008

Massey's... A family of Action

One of the most challenging things to shoot is kids. Especially kids on the move. My kids have their mother's energy level which makes them twice as hard to keep up with. Here are a few of my favorite pictures. The pictures aren't perfect but show a bit of the kids personalities. They are, as Angela affectionately calls them, our "Wild Monkey Children." Here are a few tips for shooting wild monkey children. -Take lots of pictures -Anticipate the action -Take lots of pictures -Use a high shutter speed -Shoot outside -Take lots of pictures -Focus on something where you think the action will happen -Don't know if I mentioned it, but take lots of pictures.
Happy shooting. ~Erik


Jamma said...

What cute pictures and thanks for the tips. Love to all...Aunt Diane

The Dorman Family said...

You are so good at getting things posted! Wow, thumbs up on that one. I love to see them too, your children are just so sweet.

Rachel said...

I love your little "wild monkey children" and know it must definately run in our blood. You are so talented. I love Kali's boots!